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This is an example of a living archive. The Family Tree diagram below are actually links to specific generations in family history, which is how the archives are organized. (Only the branches bordered in red are active.) Comments can be made on any index or artifact page, however you must be registered before you can make comments. Read about membership registration and more on the help.
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The above is an archive map diagram based on a family tree. While it has similarities to your typical family tree, it is specially modified to account for how archives are best organized. Groupings begin when two people decide to join together. Typically one of the first items in an archive group is a wedding album. Within each group are time slices. In the above archive these are decades. Within the time slices there may be special groupings for which there are a significant number of artifacts. A wedding, a trip, a reunion, or, as in our example, a tour of duty in the Army are examples of this kind of grouping. Organizing large numbers of artifacts can seem overwhelming, but YourArchivist has experience in this. That, along with the convenience of a computer to help with the organizaion, the task is actually quite fun.

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